Hello San Francisco!
If you've been wondering why I haven't been writing much on the blog recently, here is why: I just got my visa to the US and moved to San Francisco for an internship! I'll be here for the next 12 months on that visa. That process + wrapping up my life in Finland took a lot of my free time, the rest went to reviewing a coming-soon Kohana 3 book from Apress for which I'm a technical reviewer, and my writing project related to Node.js which I am hoping to move forward soon. I also gave a talk at Frontend.fi on Node (my first tech talk), and released a small library (node-winamp) to control Winamp over LAN from the console using Node.
My new years resolution was to ship more, but I never expected to ship my own ass over to San Francisco! It'll be awesome.
I flew in on June 3rd, and have been here for two days. So far, everything has been pretty awesome, though I still need to find an apartment rental and get the final paperwork done on this side!
Since I'll be able to concentrate more on code instead of living the triple life of a doctoral student, individual entrepreneur and open source programmer, I hope to start building a solid streak of open source/fun coding while I'm here. I read something on HN recently which I think will be good to keep in mind:
"I have a rule: I refuse to go to sleep if I haven’t read and written some code on a given day (this doesn’t include the code I write for work, of course). So far, this rule has had a positive impact on my ability to code."
I'll try to apply that rule, perhaps using 42goals.com or the Calendar About Nothing...