During the course of our lives we keep learning new things, but all of the areas in which we could be learning are not the same. Learning does not necessarily mean growth and treating all skills with same learning approach is unlikely to be successful. Each one of us has…

Here is a quick, up-to-date (as of 05/2009) guide to installing and troubleshooting trac, mercurial and trac-mercurial on FC10. I started with a fresh VM install for this guide. 1. Get the dependencies and tools yum install wget yum install python mercurial trac trac-mercurial yum install python-devel python-setuptools python-genshi…

Update: Added the song "IE is being mean to me" at the bottom of the post. I don't usually write "raw" JavaScript code, that is, JS code that does not use an existing framework - mainly because using code that has been tested in…

I figured the first thing to do in order to get my book reviews online was to set up the functionality to get them from Amazon and display them on my site. This way I can write reviews on Amazon and have them automatically added to my own site. Amazon…

Update 2 (Oct 2009): Since this is reasonably popular content, here are some additional findings: First, Flash does not always use the same settings as your browser - try the proxy settings in Internet Explorer/Chrome. These seem to work better. The vast majority of problems are a result of…