I went through a number of articles as well as my own CSS files, and here are my suggestions for semantic CSS layouts (names of ID's and classes) as an image. There is an article that could be written on the information, but I can't be…
From the "this-might-help-some-random-stranger" department, here is a quick catalog of some of the applications I use on my Xperia (Windows Mobile) phone. With screenshots! All of these are free except Syncplicity and Pocket Informant. Update: Check out Opera Mini 5 as well - the beta is free, and…
I think the most amazing thing about spectacular project failures is that they happen one day at a time. How do you get 170 million USD over budget? One day at a time. Given the size of many of the largest failures (hundreds of staff members), there have had to…
All people consistently short-change the future in order to get present gains (or some people, sometimes - doesn't matter). I don't mean the kind of monetary things, where you will eat one candy today rather than a bag tomorrow - I mean in terms of time.…
Given that I have spent some time studying expertise from an academic perspective, I figure it would be good to summarize some of the things we know about experts and the process of developing expertise. Keep in mind that academic studies will rarely give you the simple answer - there…