Curl is an awesome tool. I keep forgetting the switches though, so here's a cheatsheet. Simple GET request curl -k "https://localhost/foo?bar=baz&abc=def"JSON POST or PUT request curl -k -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '…

I’ve been living in SF for quite a while now, so I figure I should list some of the restaurants that I like (the top ~45 to be exact). These are mostly places where you can get food quickly for lunch/dinner and that are walking distance from where…

So, after some time with Arch Linux, I've moved to Debian testing. Debian testing seems to strike a nice balance between being new and not breaking things (Debian stable on the other hand has really old packages). Compared to Arch, upgrades have thus far been a lot less…

For some reason, a lot of technical writing is still done as if the reader didn't have access to the Internet. Having written two books (Mixu's Node book and Single page apps in depth) in the past year, I've had some time to think…

This post is basically a collection of things I think I should remember about git: setup, commands, multiple repos, more obscure options etc. Configuration Setting up short aliases for you git commands changes everything. Two things: enable colors, and make git push push the current branch to a branch of…